Southern African Chief Justices’ Forum 3,560 views Hon. Members of the Southern African Chief Justices’ Forum (SACJF) pose for a photo at a meeting hosted by her Ladyship the Hon. Chief Justice of the Republic of Zambia, Hon Lady Justice Irene. C. Mambilima on 20th April 2018 at the Taj Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka, Zambia.Seated: The Hon. Chief Justice of the Republic of Zambia and member of SACJF, Hon. Mrs. Irene C. Mambilima (FR), The Hon. Chairperson SACJF and Chief Justice of the Republic of Namibia, Hon. Mr. Justice Peter S. Shivute (R), the Hon. Chief Justice of Lesotho and member of SACJF, Hon. Lady Justice Nthomeng Majara (L), and the Hon. Chief Justice of Malawi and Vice-Chairperson of SACJF, Hon. Mr. Justice Andrew K. Nyirenda (L).Standing: Mr. Wenslous Mwansa (FR), Mr. Evaristo Pengele (R), Mr. Tamanda Nyimba (L), and Mr. Sebastian Kandunda (FL). Categories: Events
Events 43 Remarks By The Hon. Chief Justice Of The Republic Of Zambia Dr. Mumba Malila, SC At The Special Valedictory Session On The Retirement Of Hon. Mr. Justice Evans Mweembani Hamaundu Held At The Supreme Court, Lusaka On 16th January, 2025.