App 185-2021 Mr. Clean Zambia Limited Vs Peter Luyanga +16 Others 25 Oct 2023, Coram Kondola, Majula And Chembe, JJA. 515 views App 185-2021 Mr. Clean Zambia Limited Vs Peter Luyanga +16 Others 25 Oct 2023, Coram Kondola, Majula And Chembe, JJA. Categories: Court of Appeal Decisions,Decisions
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Court of Appeal Decisions 96 App 32-2024 Starford Chimanga vs The People Coram; Justice Mchenga DJP, Ngulube, Chembe, JJA
Court of Appeal Decisions 87 App 27-2024 Collins Ncube vs The People Coram; Justice Mchenga DJP, Ngulube, Chembe, JJA